Package EPL\Functions\Global
Functions summary
epl_array_map_recursive | Recursive array map for multi dimensional array |
epl_currency_formatted_amount | Get the currency formatted amount |
epl_custom_post_author_archive | Add Custom Post Types to Author Archive Page |
epl_ends_with | Helper function ends with |
epl_feedsync_format_date | REAXML Date Processing Function for WP All Import and FeedSync |
epl_feedsync_format_date_auction | REAXML Auction Date Processing Function for WP All Import and FeedSync |
epl_feedsync_format_strip_currency | REAXML convert currency to integer |
epl_feedsync_format_sub_number | REAXML Address Sub Number field for title import processing Function for WP All Import and FeedSync |
epl_feedsync_switch_date_time | REAXML convert date/time to adjust for timezone |
epl_generate_search_instance_counter | Function to generate a unique instance counter for search forms. |
epl_generate_unique_tab_counter | Function to generate a unique tab counter for search forms. |
epl_get_active_post_types | Return all the post types that are selected as active by admin |
epl_get_admin_option_fields | Admin options settings |
epl_get_author_id_from_name | Get author id from name |
epl_get_available_status_list | Returns the array of status available in the site as key, label pair. |
epl_get_beta_enabled_extensions | Return an array of all extensions with beta support |
epl_get_contact_categories | Get Contact Categories |
epl_get_contacts | Retrieve contacts from the database |
epl_get_countries_list | Returns List of countries |
epl_get_currencies | Get Currencies |
epl_get_currency | Get the store's set currency |
epl_get_currency_position | Get the currency position |
epl_get_decimal_separator | Get the currency decimal separator |
epl_get_local_timestamp | Returns the localised timestamp |
epl_get_option | Get an option |
epl_get_post_types | Return all the post types doesn't matter if selected as active or not by admin |
epl_get_property_area_unit_opts | Returns array containing area unit options |
epl_get_property_authority_opts | Returns array containing Property authority |
epl_get_property_com_authority_opts | Returns array containing Commercial Authority |
epl_get_property_com_listing_type_opts | Returns array containing Commercial Leasing Types |
epl_get_property_com_property_extent_opts | Returns array containing Commercial Land Extent |
epl_get_property_com_tenancy_opts | Returns array containing Commercial Tenancy |
epl_get_property_exclusivity_opts | Returns array containing Property exclusivity |
epl_get_property_meta | Get EPL property meta data based on post id |
epl_get_property_meta_label | Get the meta value as label helper function. |
epl_get_property_rent_period_opts | Returns array containing Rental period |
epl_get_property_status_opts | Returns array containing Property Status |
epl_get_sales_by_date | Get Sales Count By Date |
epl_get_the_address | Retrieve address based on user display selection. |
epl_get_the_status | Retrieve listing status. |
epl_get_the_status_label | Returns the status label for given status value. |
epl_get_the_under_offer | Retrieve listing under offer value. |
epl_get_thousands_separator | Get the currency thousands separator |
epl_get_thumbnail_sizes | Used in the widgets by appending the registered image sizes |
epl_get_unique_post_meta_values | Description: Getting all the values associated with a specific custom post meta key, across all posts Author: Chinmoy Paul Author URL: |
epl_image_size_names_choose | Gives the hard cropped image a friendly name |
epl_image_sizes | Register image sizes for the admin list of property and a hard cropped 300x200 px image for use in widgets |
epl_is_avada_theme | Determine if Avada is loaded |
epl_is_builder_framework_theme | Determine if iThemes Builder framework is loaded |
epl_is_divi_framework_theme | Determine if Divi framework is loaded |
epl_is_genesis_framework_theme | Determine if Genesis framework is loaded |
epl_is_twenty_twenty_theme | Determine if TwentyTwenty is loaded |
epl_labels | Get labels |
epl_leased_label_status_filter_callback | Leased status filter |
epl_listing_load_meta_commercial_category | Custom Meta: Commercial Categories |
epl_listing_load_meta_commercial_category_value | Custom Meta: Return Value of Commercial Category |
epl_listing_load_meta_commercial_rent_period | Custom Meta: Commercial Rental Period |
epl_listing_load_meta_commercial_rent_period_value | Custom Meta: Return Value of Commercial Rental Period |
epl_listing_load_meta_land_category | Custom Meta: Land Categories |
epl_listing_load_meta_property_category | House Categories Options |
epl_listing_load_meta_rural_category | Custom Meta: Rural Categories |
epl_listing_load_meta_rural_category_value | Custom Meta: Return Value of Rural Category |
epl_listing_meta_land_category_value | Custom Meta: Return Value of Land Category |
epl_listing_meta_property_category_value | Custom Meta: Return Value of House Category |
epl_meta_location_label | Location Label |
epl_meta_under_offer_label | Under Offer Label |
epl_month_num_to_name | Month Num To Name |
epl_parse_atts | Parse EPL shortcodes for meta queries |
epl_pmxi_import_post_saved | WP All Import Pro filter that processes property_price_global after updating or saving a post |
epl_populate_post_author_email | Gravity Forms Filter for populating contact form with author email address |
epl_property_author_archives | Add Custom Post Types to Author Archives |
epl_register_post_type | Register post type to EPL and WordPress |
epl_remote_url_get | Remote get function |
epl_render_html_fields | Renders field array to html |
epl_sanitize_html_tags | Sanitize function to allow certain safe html tags. |
epl_search_listing | Search Listing Ajax |
epl_single_and_archive_functions | Load functions from child theme folder if present |
epl_sold_label_status_filter_callback | Sold status filter |
epl_starts_with | Helper function starts with |
epl_tax_location_label | Taxonomy Location Label |
epl_the_address | Display or retrieve the current listing address based on user display selection with optional markup. |
epl_the_property_meta | Print EPL property meta data |
epl_the_status | Display or retrieve the listing status label with optional markup. |
epl_the_under_offer | Display or retrieve the under offer label with optional markup. |
epl_under_offer_label_status_filter_callback | Under Offer status filter |
get_category_label | Get Contact Labels |
get_epl_image_sizes | Get list of all EPL image sizes |