Function epl_wp_enqueue_scripts
Load and enqueue front end scripts and stylesheets.
Package: EPL\Assets\ScriptsStyles
Copyright: Copyright (c) 2020, Merv Barrett
License: GNU Public License
Since: 1.0
Since: 3.4.44 Fix: Callback error for google maps.
Since: 3.4.48 Fix: Price formatting as per settings in price slider.
Since: 3.5.1 Tweak: Google Maps Prefixed to: epl-google-map-v-3
Since: 3.5.2 New: Google Maps load asynchoronously.
Since: 3.5.3 Ajax nonce in JS vars.
Located at lib/assets/assets.php
Copyright: Copyright (c) 2020, Merv Barrett
License: GNU Public License
Since: 1.0
Since: 3.4.44 Fix: Callback error for google maps.
Since: 3.4.48 Fix: Price formatting as per settings in price slider.
Since: 3.5.1 Tweak: Google Maps Prefixed to: epl-google-map-v-3
Since: 3.5.2 New: Google Maps load asynchoronously.
Since: 3.5.3 Ajax nonce in JS vars.
Located at lib/assets/assets.php